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Jill Avery

Emotional Freedom Technique,Quantum Healing Life Coach, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, Kundalini Teacher and energy device healer

Everything you dreamed of is waiting for you~Universe




I am so excited that you found my website because your life is about to improve in the best way possible!

I’m Jill Avery, your Emotional Freedom Technique and Quantum Healing Life Coach, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, Kundalini Teacher and energy device healer!


Each one of my specialities, has allowed me to heal my clients specific to their needs. Whether you are looking to heal the root cause of your physical and emotional Ailments or/and just heal the physical issue itself, these methods have been proven to do it all.


FDA Approved and well Researched journals and studies on how to heal the body using different types of energy devices, are allowing people just like you, to be free of physical, mental and emotional ailments that have plagued them for years.


together with my advanced training and experience with how trauma and negative emotions impact our mental and physical state, has shown me that our subconscious beliefs are running the show and creating our life experiences much like a computer program that runs in the background. 


Your brain is acting like a computer, and your subconscious beliefs are the programs that you are running. If those programs have “bugs” or “blocks”, the output may be the cause of many of your health issues you are suffering from today


My signature Method combines quantum physics, neuroscience and spirituality to help you heal physically, mentally and emotionally. 


whether you choose to heal just the physical issues or choose to heal the root cause as well, you will be truly impressed by how much better you feel!

Hi there beautiful soul! 

You have now found the answer to what you have been seeking.

Beach Waves


Emotional Freedom Technique

"The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body's energy system."


1. What is EFT? EFT is an energy balancing tapping technique that can be used to relieve a wide variety of issues. It works with the same meridian system used in acupuncture. EFT is like acupuncture, except there are no needles and the focus is on mental and emotional issues. You might think of it as “emotional or psychological acupressure.” With EFT, you tap with your fingertips on energy meridian points to re-align the electromagnetic energy system and clear disruptions/blockages that are related to unresolved emotional issues. EFT is based on the assumption that unresolved emotional issues are either contributing to the things that bother you in your life, or are keeping those things from healing on their own.


2. What is an energy disruption? Why does my energy system need to be balanced? Disruptions in the system keep the energy from flowing smoothly like how a log would disrupt the flow of water in a river. EFT works with the energy channels in your body to pull the blockages (the logs) out of the river.


3. How does the energy system get disrupted? The disruptions are created from the difficult experiences of your life and are stored in the body until they are processed or released.


4. How does EFT work? When energy is allowed to flow smoothly through the body's energy meridians, we feel peaceful, and our bodies are better able to heal themselves. When the energy system is blocked it becomes less efficient, and we start to see physical and emotional issues develop. EFT clears the blockages so that your system is better able to heal on its own. Current emotional issues are usually based on unresolved emotional issues in the past. From our past experiences we form beliefs to help us survive the world like the one here "no one loves me." Some are useful and some are limiting. With EFT we resolve the issues in the past that hold those limiting beliefs in place so they are no longer blocking our progress and current issues can subside. Think of having many "tabletops" or issues in your life that are each sustained by table legs (past negative experiences). As each table leg is cleared it has the effect of clearing many other issues that were built upon that original issue or belief. It's also like clearing one large log from a river and all the logs that have jammed up behind it get cleared as well. There is often one pivotal event that set the issue in motion. By clearing the impact of that one experience from your energy system, it will no longer have impact, emotionally or physically as you move forward. For anything that is bothering you emotionally, we can usually trace that to issues in the past that still upset you… For example, if you have trouble in a relationship, you might find that your partner reminds you of a parent or maybe a previous partner. By going back to those previous experiences and correcting the related energy disruptions, the source of stress in your relationship may simply disappear or dissolve. By balancing the energy system, we can release the emotional impact of anything in your past. Once that stress has been removed, your body is free to heal, you feel more peaceful, and the problems of the past no longer affect your present and your future.


5. What are the benefits of EFT? People have used EFT to help relieve physical pain like back pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, ulcers and digestive disorders. EFT can also help with emotional issues such as anxiety, anger, phobias, stress, self-esteem issues and even weight loss, cravings and sleep problems



Law of Assumption



How to manifest success in your life through positive thinking

The law of assumption states that, by believing the thing you want already exists in your life, you’ll manifest it into existence.


The law of assumption is a positive thinking tactic created by Neville Goddard as a method of reframing one’s outlook. By expecting success and good things, success and good things come to you. 


Adopting this mindset can help you gain confidence and allow you to have a more positive outlook on the events of your life.


People can use the law of assumption to manifest nearly anything, such as a new car, good health, success at work, or new relationships.



                                                              Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique


Despite the ever-advancing innovation in the field of medical science and related fields, humanity still grapples with sickness, disease, disorder, and pain of many kinds.


Many ailments, both physical and psychological, remain unconquered. However, there is new hope—an alternative that has been somehow sidelined or taken for granted by many people.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a revolutionary method of curing or overcoming our present anxieties, traumas, depressions, hang-ups, and other emotional and psychological issues.


QHHT is also found effective in healing a myriad of physical illnesses and diseases including life-threatening ones, which conventional and modern medicine cannot fully treat and cure.



Beach Waves



What is brain photobiomodulation?The brain is the most important and complex human organ. Within every brain cell are mitochondria, which are best understood as energy-producing “powerhouses” or “batteries”. Through biochemical reactions, the mitochondria create fuel for brain cells.Your brain’s mitochondrial performance can be improved by absorbing light energy (photons) of specific wavelengths.

This process is called photobiomodulation (PBM). 
Scientific research shows our brain’s mitochondria respond positively to light energy within the NIR wavelength range.When NIR energy from, for example, a Vielight Neuro, is delivered to neuronal mitochondria, it is absorbed by a light-sensitive enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase. This enzyme uses NIR energy to start a series of biochemical reactions that are both beneficial and energizing to the neurons and other brain cells.

Scalar Laser

The Quantum Laser is a cold laser or low-level laser system. This class of lasers is also often referred to as a soft laser or healing laser and refers to very low powered lasers which have been designed to gently rejuvenate cells.


Low-level lasers are totally safe and work on a completely regenerative basis. How this works Cold lasers rejuvenate the cells by gently donating energy in the form of photons, which then increases the energy molecule of the cell, called ATP, which in turn stimulates the cell to grow more efficiently. This works in the same way that a garden works. Sunlight donates photons which in turn energizes the plants to grow bigger and healthier fruits and vegetables.


Comra Laser

CoMra therapy is an effective approach to treating pain and much more using the combined radiant properties of laser, colour, magnetism and ultrasound. Used by medical professionals worldwide, coMra treats chronic pain, stimulates cellular regeneration and repairs damaged tissue.

coMra therapy enhances the natural ability of our cells to regenerate through the coherence of its actions, which accelerate the repair of cell structures, enhance the efficiency of a cell’s energy metabolism, and harmonise the body’s regulatory processes. That’s why coherence is in our name. coMra stands for coherence achieved through Modulation of different radiances.

Beach Waves


I Tera Care Terrahertz Wave Therapy

Tera Hertz technology is the latest treatment from the world of advanced healing. Using Terahertz Waves, discovered in the 1980's to match the vibration frequency of human cells, the therapy helps blood flow with normal healthy cells absorbing the Tera Waves while dormant cells are re-activated. As a result, damaged cells are repaired, leading to improved healing times in areas of trauma and leaving the patient feeling energized. Regular use also strengthens and induces the DNA organic molecules, enhancing self-repairing body cells.

THz (terahertz) waves are a form of nonionizing radiation and contain low photon energy, and are strongly absorbed by polar molecules such as water in both gas and liquid states. It shows the depth of Tera Hertz Wave penetration in our biological tissues.

BioMedis Trinity

BIOMEDIS TRINITY is an advanced and effective compact device with Four Technologies in One!: Bio-Resonance Therapy (BRT), Structural Resonance Therapy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and Psychosomatic Pathology Correction Method. These methods are implemented in BIOMEDIS TRINITY through the newest unique technology of MFS and allows scientific research and methods to be used on a completely new quality level, achieving high results of efficiency of the device application.


Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment that aims to balance the energy within the body to promote healing and overall well-being. Based on the principle that every cell in our body emits electromagnetic waves, bioresonance therapy utilises various devices to detect and analyse these waves. By identifying and addressing any imbalances or disruptions in the body’s energy fields, this non-invasive therapy aims to restore harmony and optimise the body’s natural healing mechanisms. 


Bioresonance therapy may be able to treat a wide range of health conditions, including allergies, chronic pain, digestive disorders, and stress-related ailments. Bioresonance therapy is believed to offer several potential benefits for individuals seeking alternative therapies. 

CES Ultra

Benefits of CES Ultra

Try the CES Ultra,


a revolutionary cranial electrotherapy stimulation device. Free yourself from the debilitating effects of anxiety and insomnia without drugs.


  • Discover the Ultimate in Relaxation

  • Achieve Peace of Mind

  • Get the Restful Sleep You Deserve


The CES Ultra Experience

The first thing you’ll notice about using the CES Ultra is a pleasant tingling sensation and the feeling of gradual relaxation that comes with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). Within the first two to three days, you’ll enjoy better sleep patterns, falling asleep quicker at night with fewer waking periods, and awakening in the morning feeling rested. You’ll also notice an elevation in your mood and being prone to less nervous energy and frenetic behavior, if those symptoms have been present.

By the end of the first week, you can expect a pleasant, detached state and quieting of the mind with better impulse control and a greater sense of balance, centeredness, and calm. You’ll also experience fewer episodes of irrational anger, irritability, and mood swings. By weeks two and three, mental confusion will diminish. You’ll notice heightened clarity, alertness, and ability to focus. Your ability to concentrate on tasks will improve, you’ll learn at an accelerated rate, and you’ll be back to your normal state of information recall.


Initial Usage

  • Pleasant tingling sensation

  • Gradual relaxation

First 2-3 Days

  • Normalization of sleep patterns

  • Decreased nervous energy and frenetic behavior

  • Faster onset of sleep on going to bed

  • Feeling of being rested on waking in the morning

  • Elevation of mood

  • Fewer and shorter periods of waking at night


Week 1

  • Diminished mood swings

  • Fewer episodes of irrational anger and irritability

  • Improved impulse control

  • Greater sense of balance, centeredness, and calm

  • A pleasant, detached state and quieting of the mind


Weeks 2 and 3

  • Diminished mental confusion

  • Heightened clarity and alertness

  • Improved task concentration

  • Normalized information recall

  • Heightened ability to focus

  • Increased mental energy

  • Accelerated learning


Individual results may vary.

A Safe, Effective, and Well Researched Technology

The CES Ultra has a solid body of scientific research behind it. It is, in fact, the only unit on the market with the configuration featured in most independent CES research studies, including the meta-analysis by the Harvard University School of Public Health. See also a sampling of the many testimonials we have received from satisfied customers.

The true you is waiting to be realized. 


Quantum physics, baby!



There are no restrictions when it comes to energy work. You can be anywhere in the world and i can tune into your energy field. 


You don’t even have to understand how it works. I do—and I’m your partner, guide, and mentor through this whole incredible shift.


It’s what I call real shift work!

After you’ve stripped away the negative beliefs, emotions, thoughts, feelings and actions, memories and experiences, there’s only one thing left. The true you, the pure you, the soul-centered you. No ego, no limits—just pure soul.

Rock Maze

What is The Law of Assumption?

 The Law of Assumption is a means of manifesting desires by having a state of mind and the feeling that those desires, wishes and aspirations have been fulfilled. Neville Goddard explains that achieving a desired goal has everything to do with your state of mind rather than mere action. I am here to teach you how to implement this law into your daily lives so you manifest your dreams.

Exhale the Past, Inhale the Future

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